(かすがたいしゃ なないろのやどりぎ)
  • 廻廊内北西隅の宝庫の東側の風宮神社の垣の中にある
  • カゴノキを母樹として、ツバキ、ナンテン、ニワトコ、フジ、カエデ、サクラが着生したことに由来する
  • 風宮神社のかたわらであることから、風神の威力によっていろいろな種を運んできたと伝えられる
  • やどり木であることから、子授けの霊木を崇められ、妊婦を守るとの信仰がある
  • 紙捻(こより)に願い事を書いて枝に結び、願いが叶えば解くと良いと言われている

Nanairo-no-yadorigi in Kasugataisha Shrine

This tree was named Nanairo-no-yadorigi as the seven kinds of seeds (common camellia, heavenly bamboo, red-berried elder, Japanese wisteria, Japanese maple, and Japanese cherry) contacted and developed in Kagonoki (Litosea coreana). Since it is located beside the Kazenomiya-jinja, it was believed that wind had brought many different kinds of seeds to the seed tree.
It has a belief of prosperity, and that a pregnant woman is protected as the word "Yadoru" means "conceive" or "inhabit".
People believe that it is good to make a wish and then tie a Twist of paper around the branch, and to untie the paper when a prayer is heard.
春日大社 七種寄木
七種寄木 Nanairo-no-yadorigi

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